The 2018-2019 Automatic Enrolment thresholds have now been approved by parliament. They will come into effect from the 6th April 2018.
The automatic earnings trigger is to remain at £10,000 and the Lower and Upper thresholds are to remain aligned with the National Insurance Contributions for the Lower Earnings limit and Upper Earnings limit, also know as the LEL and UEL.
The annual threshold for the Lower Level of Qualifying earnings will be £6032
The annual threshold for the Upper level of qualifying earnings will be £46,350
The annual threshold for the earnings trigger for automatic enrolment will be £10,000
Below shows the Weekly and Monthly Values for each of the bands and earning trigger.
Earnings Trigger for automatic enrolment will be £192 per week or £833 per month
Lower level of qualifying earnings will be £116 per week or £503 per month
Upper Level of qualifying earnings will be £892 per week or £3863 per Month
