On 6th April 2018 all employers are required to increase their contributions into their staff’s automatic enrolment to at least 2% and increase the employee minimum pension contributions to 3% from 1%. This is a nationwide change, involving millions of people and their employers across the country. Changes will take place in April 2018, and then again in April 2019.
You will need to check your scheme documents and increase the contributions for all staff you have had to put into a pension scheme and which you pay into.
The increase does not apply to staff who have asked to be put into a scheme that you do not pay into.
You should let your staff know about the increases and if you haven’t had to put any staff into a pension scheme you will still need to assess each employee each time you pay them and put them into a pension scheme if they meet the criteria for automatic enrolment
If you’re still not sure or don’t feel comfortable RollPay provide a simple pension service, branded as your business (your clients think you’re doing it!) we can organize postponement, pension setup and ongoing AE obligations including assessment, calculation, letters, and pension data sync.
Contact us today for an informal chat on 0800 1310131 or email sales@rollpay.co.uk